In Japan, a new system started, and we can store our will to Legal Affairs bureau.
When I got training about helping our clients to make their wills, I heard that making a will is very common in the U.K.
I found that the U.K. has a similar will-storing system, where people can store their wills to HMCTS (HM Courts & Tribunals Service).
It seems very simple to use this system in the U.K.
Send the will by post
Before you send your will and/or codicil to be stored make a copy to keep for yourself.
1. download and print label PA7ENV
2. fill in all details on the PA7ENV label
3. seal the will inside an envelope
4. get a witness to sign the PA7ENV label
5. attach the label to the envelope containing the will; put that in another envelope
6. include a cheque for £20 made payable to ‘HM Courts & Tribunals Service’
7. send the envelope and the fee by recorded delivery to:
(From the website above mentioned)
Foreign residents in Japan can also use the will-storing system in Japan. If I have a chance, I want to help foreign residents to use this procedure.